Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

An Easy Take Action Community Service Project for Cadette and Older Girl Scouts

How many of you have ever had to take your children to your monthly Girl Scout leader meeting?  My older daughter attends Hebrew High School on Tuesday nights and my husband has a least one meeting a month on Tuesdays, and occasionally that occurs on the night of my leader meeting. So I have had to drag (yes, that is the word) my twins with me.  Even with their DS games and a snack, being out that late in the evening is not what they want to be doing.

An Easy Take Action Community Service Project for Cadette and Older Girl Scouts

Photo from Pixabay

I am far from the only one who has had to take her children to our monthly meetings.  There have always been several in attendance, and I have to say that I admire the women bring them.  No excuses about not having a sitter so you cannot attend!  Our meetings are full of useful information, and I certainly do not like to miss them.

This September, a Cadette troop came to the rescue!  

We meet in a school cafeteria, and there is an extra room inside it with a long table and chairs.  Two or three girls from the Cadette troop take the younger children who are attending the meeting with their mom, and they play games inside with them.  There is also paper and crayons for coloring. The kids love the attention the big girls give them, the girls love being with the kids, and the moms love not having their children sit and whine, “Is it over yet?”

It’s a win-win-win all around!

During the first meeting, the girls brought a game that made sounds. That interrupted the adult meeting, so it was not brought back.

Photo from Pixabay

I highly recommend an older troop starting this as a project.  If the girls take turns each month, then everybody gets a chance to participate.  As a leader with children who cannot be left alone, I know that I have an option to send them to the game room if they so desire.

What kinds of projects do your Cadettes do?

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