Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Journey Resources and Ideas for Cadette Leaders

*This post contains affiliate links.

As I peruse my blog and update and edit posts, I am drawn to the ones where I share my organizational tips. I am a firm believer that we cause much of our own stress because we are unprepared.  Because I juggle four part-time jobs and a family, being prepared is key to my success in keeping all of my balls in the air.  Sure, life can have you drop a few due to unexpected surprises (both good and bad), but overall, if you have put in the time and effort, even with unplanned events, you should land on your feet.

Resources for Girl Scout Cadette Journeys

Image from Pixabay and altered by the author in Canva

Although I am now in the role of co-leader to my daughter’s Cadette troop, it does not mean that I am now just a warm body who shows up.  I informed my friend that I am there to help and assist her in whatever way she needs me.

While we are not doing a Journey this year, we will in the future.  It got me to thinking how I could organize it for her in advance to make it easier for her. The result involved a lot of research, and in the end, I created a blog with three in-depth posts for Cadette leaders to use when doing a Journey.  They are:

Girl Scout Cadette Media Journey Resources

Girl Scout Cadette Breathe Journey Resources

Girl Scout Cadette Amaze Journey Resources

What I have included in these three articles are lesson plan resources all in one place…no need for you to search for what you need. There are many examples of Take Action Projects to help your troop formulate their own ideas on what to do.

If you find these useful or there is something you want me to include, please let me know!

I have one other resource post on my website, one that is an overall review of the Cadette years.  It includes Silver Award ideas.  The article is called Cadette Girl Scout Resources for Leaders.

I would love to hear from other Cadette leaders and what works for them.  If you would like to share in a Guest Post, please do!

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