Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Books to Help Your Troop Earn Daisy Petals

If you are a brand new Daisy troop leader, you are probably wondering how you are going to earn all of those petals. Even if you are a leader entering her second year with her girls, you probably still have some petals to finish or maybe have one or two that you want to revisit.

Books to Help Your Daisy Troop Earn Daisy Petals

Photo from Pixabay and altered by the author in Canva

Earning Daisy petals with your troop is easy to do if you follow a lesson plan. As a teacher for the past 27 years, I know that one way to get a concept across to children is through literature. Gathering the children on the carpet and using your best voices to read a captivating picture book gets them on same page (pun intended) and has everyone starting from the same experience.

While I would not use them at every meeting, I did use several different books with my troop to teach concepts when they were Daisy Scouts.

If you are looking for some wonderful children’s literature to use at your meetings, here is a list of books and the Daisy petals they correspond to.

If you have any books that you used that do not appear on the list, please let me know!

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