Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Plans for Virtually Earning the Girl Scout Brownie Household Elf Badge

Plans for Virtually Earning the Girl Scout Brownie Household Elf Badge

Your troop can earn the Girl Scout Brownie Household Elf badge at home. It’s easy!

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If you are a Girl Scout Brownie leader who is leading her troop or her daughter with badge work, the Household Elf badge naturally lends itself to the situation we are in. I have the complete meeting plan here on my Earn Brownie Badges site. This plan is modified for the situation we are in now.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels and edited by the author in Canva

How to Virtually Earnt the Girl Scout Brownie Household Elf Badge

Step 1 Save Energy

This can be a quick and easy discussion if you are doing it with your troop virtually. If you are just sending directions, give girls the definition of an “Energy Vampire”. This is a device that uses or sucks up energy, even though it is not in use. For example, phone chargers that are plugged in without a phone, toaster ovens that are not in use, game consoles that are not being played with. You can find a larger list of energy vampires here.

For this step to be complete at home, have the girls go around their house with an adult and find energy vampires. They can write down what they found on a sheet of paper and where they found it in their home.

Step 2 Save Water

Girls can find ways to save water while they are at home and write those down. Time showers, turn off the water while brushing teeth, letting dishes soak instead of scrubbing them under water are just a few examples. Girls can write what they did.

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay 

Step 3 Make a Natural Cleaner

One of the things that I think will last post COVID-19 is that we will be going back to more homemade items. Once you get the knack on how to do something, it is easier to do and becomes a part of your skill set.

With so much hand washing going on, it make sense to make your own hand soap.

You Will Need:


Pour the bottle with 1/4 Dawn and then add water. Shake. That’s it!

DIY Disinfection Wipes

Again, here is another use for the Dawn you purchased. Along with an adult, the girls can make disinfecting wipes. You can find the recipe here and another one here.

Step 4 Reuse and Recycle

If the girls are making their own wipes and reusing a canister, then that can cover step 4. There are also a ton of crafts out there for recycling toilet paper and paper towel tubes, empty tissue boxes, and empty Girl Scout cookie cartons.

Step 5 Clear the Air

Sticking with natural products, it is easy for a girl and her parent to create their own DIY air freshener. Here are the supplies you will need.


The directions for making natural DIY air freshener are easy and can be found here.

It is not complicated for your girls to virtually earn the Girl Scout Brownie Household Elf Badge.

Have you done this badge or any other virtual meeting with your toop yet?

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